

一、「中央研究院漢字部件檢字系統(亦稱「漢字構形資料庫」,以下簡稱為「檢字系統」)」內含有「中央研究院漢字部件檢字程式(以下簡稱為「檢字程式」)」,以及運作所需的「中央研究院漢字字型(以下簡稱為「漢字字型」)」,如將「檢字系統」整體視為一個完整的軟體專案,則無論「檢字程式」或是「漢字字型」皆可視為整體專案程式原始碼的一部份,二者皆可統一採用「GNU公眾授權條款3.0版本(GNU General Public License 3.0,以下簡稱為『GPL3)」進行公眾釋出;若是將「檢字程式」與「漢字字型」視為可資區隔的二個獨立著作權客體,則「檢字程式」部份仍是採取「GPL3」的授權方式進行公眾釋出,但於「漢字字型」部份,則考量其具有圖形著作的分殊特性,故另行採用「GNU自由文件授權條款1.2版本(GNU Free Documentation License 1.2,以下簡稱『GFDL1.2)」,以及「創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享台灣授權條款2.5(Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Taiwan,以下簡稱為『CC-BY-SA 2.5 TW)」兩種授權方式併行釋出。



) 「中央研究院」乃「檢字系統」之合法著作權利人,任何人依「GPL3」相關規定取用、重製、散布「檢字程式」及其相關資料之全部或一部時,須向被散布者彰明其來源為「中央研究院」之學術著作;

) 任何人依「GPL3」之規定修改、取用「檢字系統」及其相關資料之全部或一部並產生衍生著作時,須另行以不同著作名稱彰明衍生著作與「中央研究院」釋出之原始標準版本有所不同,任何令他人混淆、誤解衍生著作亦為「中央研究院」產出作品之行為皆被嚴格禁止;

) 任何人未經「中央研究院」事前的明白允諾,不得因使用「檢字系統」之故,而以「中央研究院」之名稱為任何公示性的利用,例如為其衍生著作廣告、背書等行為,未經「中央研究院」事前明文允認皆一概不得施行;

) 任何人依「GPL3」相關規定續行散布「檢字系統」及其修改後之衍生著作時,散布者若與被散布者簽訂額外的責任擔保契約,不得將此額外的擔保責任強加於「中央研究院」與之前散布「檢字系統」及「檢字系統衍生著作」之人。


任何人得依照「GFDL1.2」或是「CC-BY-SA 2.5 TW

) 任一自然人、法人、機關及商號,單一類別「漢字字型」的取用幅度不逾其總字數之四分之一視為合理使用,唯此類取用幅度標準設為累積性質,數次性不逾四分之一標準的取用行為如累積超過四分之一者,視為連續一行為而不得主張其為合理使用,以不同之數人、機關、商號名義但可資辨別為具有統一性取用目的之行為亦同,視為概然一行為而不得主張其為合理使用,其他任何惡意規避此項聲明之標準者亦不得主張合理使用。

) 任一自然人、法人、機關及商號如其於文字列印書籍的單字取用行為,取用幅度不逾出版書籍總比例之三分之一,則可主張此為合理使用,不受前項聲明之限制,唯此類取用幅度標準亦為累積性質,援引此項不逾出版書籍三分之一標準者,若其數次同類別出版書籍之取用總量已逾單一類別「漢字字型」總字量二分之一者,則不得再行主張此為合理使用,以不同之數人、機關、商號名義意圖規避此項聲明者亦不得主張其為合理使用。



Chinese Character Component Searching System of Academia Sinica" Version 2.62 License Agreement

0. Definitions.

The "Chinese Character Component Searching System of Academia Sinica"(abbreviated as "Searching System" in the following) is comprised of two main part, one is the "Chinese Character Component Searching Program of Academia Sinica(abbreviated as “Searching Program“ in the following)", the other is the "Chinese Character Assembling Fonts of Academia Sinica(abbreviated as “Assembling Fonts“ in the following)". If the "Searching System" is treated as a computer program as a whole, then either the "Searching Program" or the "Assembling Fonts" is viewed as part of the source codes of the whole program, that is, each of them will be distributed under "GNU General Public License Version 3(abbreviated as “GPL3“ in the following)". And if the "Searching Program" and "Assembling Fonts" are treated as two separate and independent copyright works, then the "Searching Program" will still be viewed as a computer program, distributing under "GPL3". On the other hand, the "Assembling Fonts" will be viewed as a literary work on its own, distributing under "GNU Free Documentation License 1.2(abbreviated as “GFDL1.2“ in the following)" and "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Taiwan License(abbreviated as “CC-BY-SA2.5TW“ in the following)" concurringly. The dual licensing model offers users of the "Assembling Fonts" a choice of being licensed either under "GFDL1.2" or under "CC-BY-SA2.5TW" as your preference.

1. Additional Terms to the "Chinese Character Component Searching System of Academia Sinica"

According to section 7 of "GPL3", the following terms is added to the original text as part of it, anyone who conveys the whole "Searching System" or part of it under "GPL3", should be fully aware of this and abides by all the additional obligations herein described.

(a) The "Searching System" or any part of it is copyrighted to Academia Sinica in Taiwan, anyone who conveys whole or part of the "Searching System", should preserve this author attribution and make it be well expressed to all the recipients of this program in both original version and derivative works; and

(b) Anyone who makes modified derivative works of the "Searching System" should produce a new designation of its own for identification, misrepresentation of the derivative works to the original standard one is strictly forbidden; and

(c) Without any prior express permissions, the name of Academia Sinica shouldn't be used for publicity purposes; and

(d) Anyone who conveys the "Searching System" or its derivative works with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, is not allowed to make any contractual imposition directly on Academia Sinica and other conveyers of this computer program and it's derivative works before him.

2. Expression usage of the "Chinese Character Assembling Fonts of Academia Sinica"

When the "Assembling Fonts" is treated as a separate literary work, users of the "Assembling Fonts" will be allowed to use these fonts under "GFDL1.2" or "CC-BY-SA2.5TW" as your choice. Otherwise, you could try to use the "Assembling Fonts" as your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. Here is the scope of fair use about the usage of "Assembling Fonts" listed below, describing by the copyright holder of these fonts, Academia Sinica.

(a) Usage not exceeding one-quarter proportion of any specific fonts of the "Assembling Fonts" will be deemed as fair use, but multiple accumulation usage of the specific fonts reaching the standard will fall out the scope. Any intentional circumvention to this criterion will be treated as malicious and unjust evasion, and could be judged as the exclusion of fair use directly; and

(b) Adoption of any specific fonts as part of a printed book, not exceeding one-third proportion of this book will be deemed as fair use, but multiple accumulation usage of the specific fonts reaching the standard will fall out the scope. Any intentional circumvention to this criterion will be treated as malicious and unjust evasion, and could be judged as the exclusion of fair use directly too.





Email :cdpservice@iis.sinica.edu.tw
