文獻處理實驗室 專案計畫

行政院國家科學委員會研究計畫案 1999年12月


System Evaluation of Digital Museums

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  1. Anagnostelis, Betsy and Alison Cooke. "Evaluation criteria for different versions of the same databases -- a comparison of Medline services available via the World Wide Web." In Proceedings of the 21st International Online Information Meeting (Oxford: Learned Information , 1997) : 165-179.
  2. Bishop, Ann Peterson. "Working towards and understanding of digital library use : A report on the user research efforts on the NSF/ARPA/NASA DLI Projects." (http://www.dlib.org/october95/10bishop.html)
  3. Canisius College Library. Collection Development Committee. "Checklist for Evaluating Web Sites." (http://www.canisius.edu/canhp/canlib/webcrit.htm)
  4. Druse, Judy. "Web Site Evaluation Criteria." (http://www.washburn.edu/mabee/reviews.html)
  5. Goral, Ron. "Web Site Evaluation Checklist." (http://www.madison.k12.wi.us/webpub/evaluate.htm)
  6. Hill, Linda L. et al. "User Evaluation: Summary of the Methodologies and Results for the Alexandria Digital Library, University of California at Santa Barbara." In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the ASIS (Medford, N. J.: Information Today, 1997) : 225-243.
  7. Library of Congress. "Final Report of the American Memory User Evaluation, 1991-1993." (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/usereval.html)
  8. Mead, June P. and Geri Gay. "Concept Mapping: An Innovative Approach to Digital library Design and Evaluation." (http://edfu.lis.uiuc.edu/allerton/95/s2/mead/mead.html)
  9. Van House, Nancy A. "User Needs Assessment and Evaluation for the UC Berkeley Electronic Environmental Library Project: a Preliminary Report." (http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/DL95/papers/vanhouse/vanhouse.html)

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